You Were Chosen


You Were Chosen

(pages provided with scripture references refer to the LIVE Teen Study Bible, New Living Translation.)

You are not a nobody. God has chosen you. He thinks you’re remarkable.  Other people may look at the outside, but God looks at the heart. He looks at who you are.

We’re all chosen. We all have a special purpose. Maybe we have some pretty big ideas of things we want to accomplish, but we can’t do it on our own. God can help us with that.

We’re going to take a look at someone who people didn’t have a lot of faith in. But he was chosen anyways.

Captain America clip – Start at 20:30. End at 24:18 (“He’s still skinny”) —

What are some of Steve Roger’s physical traits? (skinny, looks wimpy, short)

Did everyone have faith in him? (definitely not)

What did the sergeant mean: “Wars are fought with weapons, but won by soldiers”?

What did we learn about Steve at the flagpole? (just because no one else has done it in 17 years doesn’t mean he won’t be able to do it)

What do we know about what happens to him?

p. 765 – Jeremiah 29:11

When you let God have your life, He reforms you. He enhances you. You are much more able to help people who need you.


What is the definition of natural? (existing without any help) What is the definition of super? (outstanding, exceptional, extreme, excessive)


p. 1176 – Philippians 4:13

p. 1167 – Ephesians 3:17-19

Are we meant to be the only hero? Are we part of a team?

If a team isn’t practicing and preparing together, can they hope to win the fight?


We are joined together with other heroes. We must work together to win.

Avengers movie clip – Start at 1:29:05. End at 1:31:01 —

Director Fury told them that they brought together remarkable people to work as a group. Together they are more.

Can the Avengers do good on their own? (yes) But they can accomplish much more together, right?


YOU were specially chosen by God. YOU are remarkable. It’s time to become part of the group, if you are not already.



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