Message Archive

Youth Messages


Protection for Dangerous Times

(pages provided with scripture references refer to the LIVE Teen Study Bible, New Living Translation.)

p. 1239 – 1 Peter 5:8 (the devil is like a roaring lion)

We are going to watch a few clips from World War Z (the Z is for zombies). The “hero” of the movie is Gerry (played by Brad Pitt). He used to work with the UN, but now he is home with his family. In our first clip, near the beginning of the movie, the day has started out fairly normally, but it isn’t going to stay that way… (more…)


Catching Fire

(pages provided with scripture references refer to the LIVE Teen Study Bible, New Living Translation.)

Who has seen the first Hunger Games movie?

The Hunger Games is set in the nation of Panem. The name Panem comes from the Latin term “panem et circenses”, which means “bread and circuses”. The phrase itself is used to describe entertainment used to distract public attention from more important matters. Furthermore, by the government providing ample food and entertainment, the people would give up their political rights.  (In fact, the arena in The Hunger Games is based on the Colosseum of ancient Rome. Think gladiators, feeding Christians to the lions, and other such forms of entertainment.) (more…)

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